More irresistible Phrases G - Q
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Please find below a 'small' selection of phrases. G - QG
Gain the applause of future ages
Generous to a pathetic and touching degree
Give vent to his indignation
Giving an ear to a little neighborly gossip
Glances and smiles of tacit contempt
Gnawing at the vitals of society
Habits of unintelligent routine
Habitual self-possession and self-respect
Happy and gracious willingness
Hard-souled and joyously joyous
Haunted by blank misgivings
He affected neither pomp nor grandeur
I am not without a lurking suspicion
I bemoaned my unlucky fate
I could almost allege it as a supreme example
I have somewhat overshot the mark
I lost myself in a reverie of gratitude
I made bold to retort
Jealous and formidable foes
Justifiable in certain exigencies [exigencies = urgent situations]
Keen power of calculation and unhesitating audacity
Kindle the flames of genuine oratory
Knotty and subtle disquisitions [disquisitions = formal discourse]
Labored and far-fetched elocution
Laid down in a most unflinching and vigorous fashion
Lamentable instances of extravagance
Lash themselves into fury
Lax theories and corresponding practises
Lay hold of the affections
Maddened by a jealous hate
Maintained with ingenuity and vigor
Manifestly harsh and barbarous
Marvelous copiousness of illustration
Marvelously suggestive and inspiring
Men of profound erudition [erudition = extensive learning]
Naked vigor of resolution
Naturally prone to believe
Necessity thus imposed by prudence
Nerveless and faithless folly
No more than brief palliatives or mitigations
Noble and sublime patience
Objects of general censure
Obscured beneath the rubbish of the age
Obsessed with an overweening pride
Obstacles that are difficult but not insuperable
Obviously at variance with facts
Occasioned by direct moral turpitude [turpitude = depravity; baseness]
Painful and lamentable indifference
Palpably and unmistakably commonplace
Parading an exception to prove a rule
Paralyzed by infirmity of purpose
Paralyzing doubts and scruples
Paramount obligation and righteousness
Questioned and tested in the crucible of experience
Quickened into a stabbing suspicion